Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Sometimes you must cry, and sometimes you must laugh.

Sometimes you must cry.
Cry until you run out of tears.
Cry until your head hurts, your nose runs and you have forgotten what you are even crying about.
Cry until the sun goes down, until the moon comes up and people are not concerned by your tears anymore.
Cry until everything is forgotten, every sad thought, memory and feeling.
Cry until you have no more tears to cry.

But you must also laugh. Everyday.
Laugh until your belly hurts, you fall off your chair and proceed to roll around.
Throw your head back and laugh joyfully.
Laugh until you have forgotten what you are even laughing about.
Laugh until your voice pierces the silence of the night.
Until it can be heard from all corners of the world.
Infect people with your laughter. Make them laugh too. Let them feel the joy also.
But, most importantly, laugh until you have forgotten what it is like to cry.


Thursday, 14 July 2011

Wall of Dreams

I recently came across the Candy Chang Projects here and just think the 'Before I die...' project is truly inspiring, reminding me a bit of PostSecret.

Candy Chang is a public instillation artist, designer and urban planner. She works at 'making Cities more comfortable for people' by turning public places into thought provoking, vibrant, communication tools and ultimately  improving neighbourhoods.

Her 'Before I die...' project started in New Orleans where she turned an abandoned house into a 'wall of dreams' allowing people living in the neighbourhood to write down what they would like to do before they died. You can imagine the many different types of responses given, some funny, some emotional, some silly and some inspiring.  Either way, people were able to learn of the hopes and dreams of those that they lived with.

This is what the wall looked like after just three days:

With the huge amount of response, Candy is having to wipe off the board so that more entries can come in, however, she is compiling all the comments into a book that will be available soon!

I think this such a great idea, I wish I had one in my town! It makes you think about your life and the one thing, or couple of things, you would truly love to do.

I have thought long and hard about what I would write on this wall and I think (after changing my mind about 50 times!) I would put 'Before I die I want to learn how to be strong, live with no regrets, travel the world and see things that truly inspire me'. Maybe these are slightly unrealistic but I don't really mind, for me it's just about letting your mind dream and reach far beyond your everyday routines to think about what it is you really want to do, and what it is that may be holding you back.

So I ask you guys, if you had a wall like this in your town, what would you write down??

You can check out more of Candy's projects on her website, I also love the 'Career Path' project which asks the question - 'When I was little I wanted to be... Today I want to be...' My favourite answer that had been written was 'When I was little I wanted to be grown up. Today I want to be a kid.'

Friday, 8 July 2011

'You are my childhood'

Yesterday was the World Premiere of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows, Part 2.

I can't believe the Harry Potter franchise, series, entiiiire thing is actually coming to an end!
It's been a long 14 years. I still remember when the first book, Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone first came out in 1997 and me and my brother would literally stay up aaaall night just to read it. And then the last book, Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows was published in 2007. I remember the hype, and I remember how I managed to bargain the price down to like half price! The last book was probably my favourite, it was so full of surprises I did not see them coming at all, especially the one concerning Severus Snape - who knew???!!!

It's so sad that it's coming to an end. Harry Potter has literally been mine and my brothers childhood. From when I was seven to seventeen the books have literally been the best books I have read. I don't think there has ever been or ever will be anything like this phenomenon again. You can't even compare Twilight to it. I used to get into reading it so much I'd actually be scared to mention Voldemorts name sometimes, seriously, as if he was real and if I just mentioned him he would turn up unannounced.
I know Harry Potter is not for every one, like there are still loads of people who have never read the books or seen the film but you can not argue with me that there is probably no-one on the face of this earth who has not heard of Harry Potter; The Boy who Lived.
AHH, I can not wait for the film to finally come out, I've always thought the film has not really lived up to the books but I'm still mega excited to see the final instalment on the big screen.

'There was a girl who came-up to me the other day in the street, sort of ballooned out of the pavement in front of me like she’d Apparated. She must have been early twenties and she said to me “You are my childhood”. About the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.' - JK ROWLING
This is so true.

It's kind of incredible how Harry Potter was formed, JK Rowling, she was just sat in coffee shop one day and the idea was formed. I'd hate to be some of the publishers that turned her story of the boy Wizard down. Can you imagiiiiiiiine? They'll be kicking themselves for the rest of their lives. 
It's crazy but Harry Potter has be immense. You may love him or you may hate him but you can't escape him, especially living in England. 
For me, it covers Courage, the ultimate fight of Good vs Evil, Friendship, Wisdom, Daring and Bravery. Oh and magic. Can not forget about the magic.

Anywaaay, the premiere last night was mega, everyone was looking fiiiiine.
I loved Emma Watson's £8,000 Oscar De La Renta gold and grey dress.
I Feel like I've grown up with Emma Watson also. She used to be like my favourites actress haha, but yeah she's stunning, she kinda just oozes classiness.

Check out my latest YouTube video HERE
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Feet up Friday

- Stick the kettle on, 
- Grap a packet of biscuits
- And put your feet up
I love this song, it was origionaly sung by Micheal Jackson but I love Boyce Avenu's cover just as much.

But They Told Me
A Man Should Be Faithful
And Walk When Not Able
And Fight Till The End
But I'm Only Human

Everyone's Taking Control Of Me
Seems That The World's
Got A Role For Me
I'm So Confused
Will You Show To Me
You'll Be There For Me
And Care Enough To Bear Me

Sunday, 3 July 2011

I named a star for you.

I have had this song on replay all friggin day. 
It's beautiful. It reminds me of hazy summer days where you don't really have  much to do but daydream.
And what a great name also, Benjamin Francis Leftwich.

I named a star for you,
I named a star after you,
But that wasn't bright enough for you.

I climbed a hill for you,
I climbed a hill just for you,
But you said "That's nothing new, what does that prove?"

I know if I find what you hide in your mind, I'll get lost in it,
I'll wait for the day when I find a way to make you mine.